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Medical Gases

Medical gasesMedical Gas Training

Medical gas training is for staff who are involved in using Oxygen and Entonox, they must be:

  • Trained in the administration of medical gas & basic life support.
  • Familiar with the side effects of medical gases.
  • Aware of the criteria for patient selection and exclusion.

The aim of this course is to ensure:

  • Medical gases are administered safely & effectively.
  • To reduce the likelihood of side effects and complications.

Course Syllabus:

  • To give students a greater understanding of oxygen therapy.
  • Reasons for not giving Oxygen.
  • Teach students about the different illnesses that could require oxygen therapy.
  • The use of bag and mask.
  • Correct use of OPA (Oral Pharyngeal Airways).
  • The use of suction.
  • The use of analgesic gas.
  • Cleaning and maintenance of equipment.

Medical Gases Course length: 3 hrs

Qualification achieved: Medical Gases Certificate

Cost: £60 per person + VAT on open courses £60 per person (min charge of £360) + VAT for in-house courses

Click here to download medical gases syllabus