Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding Children.
This safeguarding children course is a general child protection training course specifically designed for anyone who comes into contact with children.
All organisations that work with or come into contact with children should have safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that every child, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation, has a right to equal protection from harm.
Setting up and following good safeguarding policies and procedures means children are safe from adults and other children who might pose a risk. This includes voluntary and community organisations, faith groups, private sector providers, as well as schools, hospitals and sports clubs.
The training course gives candidates a greater understanding and confidence of supporting children who may be at risk of abuse. The course highlights what to look for, how to report it and also includes recent changes to legislation regarding reporting under the Serious Crime Act 2015. It also looks at specific abuse cases that form both the law and protection principles that are currently applied.
Course Syllabus:
- Legislation.
- Relevant cases.
- Every child matters.
- Types of abuse.
- Recognising abuse.
- Long term effects of bullying.
- Recording and reporting.
Course length: 4 hrs.
Qualification achieved: Safeguarding children course certificate.
Care standard: Standard 11
Cost: £40 per person + VAT on open courses.
£40 per person + VAT (min charge of £240 + VAT) for in-house courses.
We can run courses in house or at our training centres in Lincoln and Grimsby.