Mental Capacity Awareness
Mental Capacity Awareness
There has never been a more important time for care staff to develop awareness of the mental capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).
The Act also aims to balance an individual’s right to protection from harm if they cannot make decisions to protect themselves.
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 governs decision-making on behalf of adults who may not be able to make particular decisions.
This could be because of, for example:
- A learning disability.
- An illness such as dementia.
- Mental health problems.
It’s important to remember these do not in themselves mean that a person lacks the capacity to make a particular decision. The Act and its codes of practice set out:
- Who can take particular decisions on someone else’s behalf.
- When and how a decision is taken.
- When and how people who lack capacity to take decisions about their care and welfare can be deprived of their liberty to get the care they need in a hospital or care home.
This training course is gives candidates a greater understanding of what capacity is and the principles surrounding capacity. The course also looks at the deprivation of liberties safeguards and their origins. This type of course is designed not only as a stand-alone course but also a complement to a Dementia course or a Safeguarding adults course.
Course Syllabus:
Course Length: 3 Hours
Qualification achieved: Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of liberties awareness.
Care standard: Standard 8
Cost: £40 per person + VAT on open courses.
£40 per person + VAT (min charge of £240 + VAT) for in-house courses.
Click here to download mental – capacity syllabus.