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Administration of Medicine

Administration of Medicationadministration of medication

This training course includes the Acts relating to medication, different forms of drugs, storage and disposal of medication. During the course ‘good practice’ is discussed as well as legal issues with administration of medication.

The administration of medication training is aimed at all employees who are required to administer drugs as part of their daily work routine.

Course Syllabus:

  • Explain the difference between a medicine and a drug.
  • Ensure the students understand the Medicines Act and the Misuse of Drugs Act.
  • Make sure the students understand about the different forms of drugs.
  • Explain about the different routes of administration and how and when to administer the drug.
  • Effects of drugs in the body.
  • Safe handling of sharps.
  • Storage of medications and drugs in the care setting.
  • The disposal of drugs safely and record keeping.

Course length: 4-5 hrs.

Qualification: Safe Administration of Medications Certificate.

Care standard: Standard 13

Cost: £60 per person + VAT on open courses.

£60 per person + VAT (min charge of £360 + VAT) for in-house courses.

Click here to download administration of meds syllabus.