First Aid Training
Singleton Training Services Ltd offers a full range of First Aid training from basic techniques through to advanced care.
First aid training provides your staff with the skills to help their work colleagues in the event of an accident.
First aid can be required in any place of work; there is always the chance of an accident occurring. It could be a farm, an office, a supermarket, a factory or in your own home. It is essential that you know what to do and that you have learnt basic lifesaving skills to assist a casualty.
You may well be thinking ‘let somebody else deal with this’. But what if there is no one else? First aid is not always needed in nice comfortable surroundings, carpet on the floor, a phone within reach or clean water. The person that needs help might be your friend or colleague; you might be the one that saves their life. It is also important to know what to do as the wrong action might make matters worse.
What level of training do I need?
We offer first aid training for your staff at 2 levels; the emergency first aid at work course which is 6 hours and the 3-day first aid at work course (FAW) which is 18 hours. The emergency course matches the requirements of the HSE provision of emergency cover for low-risk environments; whilst the first aid at work course is for businesses with a greater need for advanced cover.
Singleton Training Services Ltd CAN HELP.
ALL our accredited first aid courses now include how to use a defibrillator.
Always remember you could be first on the scene of an accident either at work, on the street or at home….
Would you be able to cope in a medical emergency?
The courses that we offer are:
- First Aid at Work (many different levels of course available)
- Stroke Awareness
- Diabetes Awareness
- Administration of Medicine
- HIV and Hepatitis Awareness
- Infection Control
- Emergency Medical Technician
- First Response Emergency Care (FREC)
To book or check availability for any of our 1st aid courses:
Telephone: 01522 300161 or email: